Time to Move Onward!
The extension is now complete - Praise the Lord! Howard and Sean travelled to Romania on business and took Billy Dixon to just finish off the last trimmings. The floor is down and machinery has been moved into their new home.
The yard has been concreted and the ramp now facilitates movement of paper in and out of the new printshop. What used to take several hours of hard slog and sweat now takes a fraction of the time with the pallet truck.
The old Booklet-maker, held together with binding tape, constant care and a lot of prayer, is to be retired. The Trustees have purchased a replacement double-tower Duplo Line System, which is due to arrive in Romania in July. This system should cut the man hours considerably, particularly those hours spent in repairing a machine that packs up!
The following is from a recent Email from Ralph in Romania: -
The printing is going well on the next ROM edition, 96500 copies. We have done 60% so far. The new print shop is fantastic with the space to move around in - what luxury :-)
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